Decommissioning is a set of organizational and technical measures and practical work to be carried out at the ultimate stage of the life cycle of a facility that poses nuclear and radiation hazards.
The industry integrator for decommissioning of nuclear and radiation hazardous facilities and RAW Management consolidates competencies and experience of nuclear industry enterprises for a safe and efficient decommissioning of nuclear facilities and radioactive waste management in Russia and worldwide. The integrator develops new technologies for decommissioning, designs package offers to provide a full range of services, builds supply chains in domestic and international markets.
The industry integrator Decommissioning and Management of Radioactive Waste TVEL is the centre of responsibility for the decommissioning of nuclear and radiation hazardous objects.
TVEL JSC as an industry integrator in the Decommissioning and Management of Radioactive Waste develops, centralizes and consolidates the competencies of the nuclear industry organizations, develops a comprehensive product proposal to provide a full cycle of services, coordinates Decommissioning and Management of Radioactive Waste and builds supply chains in the Russian and foreign markets.